Please continue to collect your pledged money for Superdance. Superdance Chairs and Co-Chairs will be coming to your classroom this Thursday and Friday. Of course, you are welcome to bring your envelope to the SCA room any time. We are currently at 70% of our 95% goal; this means that we need you to bring in your pledged money in order to receive Holy Thursday off. Thank you!
For SADD week, Tomorrow there will be fun games and contests during your lunch periods like a pie eating contest and a drunk driving goggle obstacle course! On Friday, there is a dress down day and there is also the annual SADD club assembly. So Get Pumped!
Senior homeroom reps, please bring in two 2-liter bottles of soda to Mr. Britt's room by Friday for the 8th grade dance. The 8th grade dance is one of the last fundraisers for the Class of 2014 before prom, and we need your help to make it awesome.
Global Studies students- Mr. Betthauser will be offering the core course, Foundations of Global Business and Finance, on Thursday, April 10th directly after school from 3- 6pm in room 319. Pizza dinner will be provided.
Hey DJO! Do you sing or play an instrument? Do you have a poem or short story you would like to share with the world? If you would like to showcase your talents on the Coffee House Stage at the Festival of the Arts on May 3, then sign up outside of Mr. Britt's room, room 236. Sign ups are first come, first serve and may fill up before Spring Break.
Royalettes will be holding tryouts for the 2014-2015 this week. 4 clinics will be offered on April 7-10, and tryouts on the 11th. You must attend at 2 clinics in order to tryout. Go to for more details.
DJO Cheerleading Try-outs!: April 14: 7pm-9pm; (Mandatory Tryout Clinic in Aux Gym); April 15: 7pm-9pm; (Mandatory Tryout Clinic in Aux Gym); April 16: 7pm-10pm; (Tryouts in Auxiliary Gym).
Are you interested in becoming a Keyette? All freshmen, sophomore and junior girls are invited to a short, required informational meeting to be held after school at 3:10 pm in room 114 on Wednesday April 9 or Thursday April 10. If you cannot attend either one of these meetings please see Mrs. Graif in room 114 or Mrs. Koranek in room 116 ASAP